Saturday, December 26, 2009
Duties for the weekend
This weekend i am going to take pictures of my walking tour. Which you can find on my blog.Its a really nice tour and everyone should take it. MY tour is canarsie rockaway parkway my hometown. Also this weekend im going to the movies and i am planning on going to my barn to ride horses...............................................................can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Math b question and solution
I am currently in a math class called math b. We are learning about radicals and below i will explain how to solve a radical. 1. Find to factors of radical 18 one being a square root. 2. simplify whats in the radical by putting the square root of that square root factor on the outside of the factor. 3. Your answer is 3 radical 2 because radical 2 cannot be simplified any more. That is my math b problem.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Metro troubles
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I just recently made a blabberize. Its really cool and a lot of fun. I laughed so much. and i feel that everyone should have a chance to make one to. So you go know to blabberize and create one now.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Music is all around us!
I love music. Music allowsme to express myself in so many ways. When i hear music i just get excited and want to dance. Music has a special place in my heart. Whether its rap or hip hop or even rock i love it all. I listen to all types of music. I always try to carry an ipod so that where ever i am i can bop my head to some tunes. Music is a huge part of my life and i can't imagine loosing it. I listen to music when i'm happy sad and mad. Music rocks, Music is the best!
School be very boring sometimes but dont get me wrong the right friends can make it very fun. It also depends on the teachers and your strengths in school. Like im good in math and i love math so going to math class isn't bad. I go to school at bbacd one of the best schools in brooklyn. I actually do most of the things on my blog from my school. Oh yea those 8th graders out there yall should apply to banneker its poppin
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Review on Best Buy

In my opinion Best Buy is the number one electronic store in New York. Whether you are looking for an ipod or a tv bestbuy has it all. I have gotten ipods, laptops and televisions all from best buy. They have great prices especially during the holidays so get your shop on. I recommend this site for everyone. Its great!!!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Review on Youtube

Youtube is a very good website for showing off the hottest videos. It allows people to show things online that they have recorded. There are recordings of politics so yes the site is educational but at the same time it is very joking around as well. I recommend this site to everyone in the whole world. Go to Youtube today! Youtube shows a variety of topics. some include cooking politics music and much much more. So go to Youtube now and learn something and have fun.
Review on Barnes and Noble.

Barnes and Noble is a very good website for bookworms. It allows people to buy books of their choice. I have personally bought all of my books from Barnes and Noble. If they do not have a book they are sure to order it. Barnes and Noble is a very dependable book store. I highley recommend this site for ordering books rather than amizon because it gets the books much faster. Need a book go to Barnes and Noble.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Review on san diego zoo website

San Diego Zoo: Pandas is an excellent website for animal lovers especially pandas. This website shows research on pandas. It gives in great detail information on the panda lifesyle its habitat and food it eats also where they can be found. I personally learned from this website that pandas can be found in china. I thought that they lived in Brazil and tropical areas of the world but i was wrong. I would recommend this website for panda researchers or panda lovers. If you do not fall under one of those categories this website isn't recommended to you. Overall this website is excellent.
Review on Discovery kids:Live cam website

The website called Discovery kids:Live cams is a very informative website. It teaches different children of all ages about the world. It teaches them about land and animals. It also talks about these animals habitats and life styles. On this website there are also educational games where these children can learn and have fun at the same time. I would personally love to visit this website because i myself have learned many things about pandas and horses and their lifestyles. I would positively recommend this website for children in the age range of 3-12 because it will enable them to learn and have fun at the same time. I would give this website a thumbs up for all of theses reasons. You should go check it out!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Doctor find neddles in todler
Doctors Find Dozens of Sewing Needles in Toddler
In the northeaster area of Ibotirama a mother sent her son to a hospital due to him complaining about pain. when he was X-ray ed doctors found 12 needles stuck in the poor child. He is 2 years old and name isn't revealed because of his age. However people are going into further investigation because they believe he couldn't have swallowed all those needles. They had to have been forced into him one by one and he couldn't have done it by himself. They have found needles in his lungs left kegs and other major parts of the little boys body. There isn't any wounds on the outside of the boys body but he is in intensive care and is doing better than before. to check more click on This to know more informationHorses Rock
Riding horses is one of my biggest passions. I love the smell and the danger and speed. I fell once and i went flying. When i grow up i want to be a big time vet in the caribean helping horses and curing them. In the future i hope to get my own horse and own my own land where i can ride as i please. Horses/ animals in general are the best things in the world to me. Animals rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Computer class

I am not very good in computer class although i try my best. I like my teacher even though she can be a little strict but i know she just wants us to do good in life and know our stuff. Her name is williams and she is one of the good teachers at banneker. She is one of my favorites and last marking period i got a 90. I really hope my grade wont go down because that would make me upset. This blog is just to talk about computer class because i know that everyone has a little trouble in that class. dont get me wrong i love that class but it sure can be confusing . My hardest assignment was the slideshow on my page i couldnt get music uploaded nore can i get my music uploaded. I know my teacher will understand and give me a good grade anyway because shes the best. She is very understanding. COMPUTER ROXX!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Child Abuse
Sorry for the slideshow guys. I couldn't upload the music i wanted nore the quotes. Any way the song would've been Runaway Love by Mary J. Blige and Ludacris because it shows the different aspects of abuse given to children by people who are stronger and are higher in power. Alot of people don't see the importance about child abuse because it happens behind closed doors but honestly this is an extremely important topic. Studies show that the younger the child the stronger the abuse because the fact that younger children are more defenseless than older children. And by younger children i mean from infant to about 3. There are different types of abuse. Such include verbal, sexual,emotional, neglect and most important physical. Another very interesting fact that i found very shocking is the fact that more than 8 out of 10 abused children are abused by there own parents. Shocking huh. What kind of sick ominous people can treat an innocent child especially there own in such manner. Mothers are often the fault for neglect but even worse fathers, friends, neighbors atc. are accountable for sexual abuse. In 2005 1,460 children died from abuse or neglect. The truly sad thing is that child abuse is a cycle. 1/3 of abused or neglected children will in the future victimize their own. This is the truth also that before today is over about 4 children will die because there little bodies cannot stand any more abuse. An interesting movie out right now is Precious. It tells the story of a plus size girl who is very uneducated for her age that faces many challenges in the fields of abuse from her mother. Please go out and see this movie it'll open your eyes to child abuse and how serious it really is. Please stay tuned for my other interesting blogs that will be comming up about animal abuse relationship abuse and sexual abuse. I hope you learned something from this blog that will help you to speak up and notice something pertaining to child abuse.
To me school is alright. I do very well. I love most of my teachers because they can relate to my life and overall they are just cool. My favorite class is science. I love science because i love learning about different animals. I also love math because i love learning about different formulas. To be interested into a class the teacher has to be very interesting and graceful. They also have to be funny and kind. Overall i love school. I am currently attending Benjamin Bannekar Academy
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
This is it

Michael Jackson the amazing man of all time. King of pop every artist hero. He shared his love and joy of music to us all. I never believed the non sense that was said about Michael. To me Michael is pure genius from being in a group to becoming a solo artist, Michael Jackson is amazing!!!!!! He has conquered, the world to get where he is today. Other artist like Ne-yo and Beyonce will never be like Michael.This is it! This is Michael Jacksons legacy.
Friday, October 23, 2009

Everyone who knows me knows that i love hats. I have so many in so many different colors. I have hats in orange red blue green white and black. I like them because they make me feel fresh and cool. Everyone complements me and always say i look nice. I like to help people with their fashion as well. It makes me feel well when i look nice and make other people look nica aswell.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Things i hate...............
There are many things i don't like. For one i hate animal cruelty . I can't stand people who can kill an innocent animal with no remorse. I hate people who construct experiments on animals, I feel like doing experiments on them. Because i hate animal cruelty i also don't eat meat. Yes i am a vegetarian. I've been a vegetarian for 2 years now and honestly a lot more people should follow this example. I also don't like history. To me it is so boring. I hate listening to the same thing. Like native Americans, slavery, American revolution atc. I don't like all sports like hockey and football. I don't like homework. I don't like violence or arguing.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Things i love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is Richard Perez. I am 13 years old and i am a freshman in highschool. I live in Canrsie. I love to ride horses. I can walk, trot and gallop. I had a horse over the summer. His name was Tink. He was so calm and lovable but he was a bullet. He is very fast. I rode him down a beautiful beach in a barn called Jamaica Bay Riding Academy . He was really special to me. I loved brushing him and washing him. He was the best thing that i've ever had. I have alot of experience around horses. I am currently working at JBRA as a trail guide and i also worked in a program called Seaside Therapeutic Riding. I also have a huge family and i love to travel. I've traveled to Pennsylvania, Florida and my favorite homeland Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico i checked out the caves and the rainforest/waterfall. They were beautiful. Especially the waterfall it was ice cold. I saw many different animals in the rainforest like birds and lizards. I also saw a special type of frog called the cokue. The caves were very cool and big. They were also very dark. In Florida i went to Disney World and saw many Disney characters. In Pennsylvania i stayed at a small family inn to chill and relax. I really enjoy animals. I have 3 cats and 2 dogs and i use to have a horse and a pig. Their names are Mushu, Snuffy, Flea, Tinkerbell, kumo, Tink and lat but not lease Pinky. They are my world and i can't imagine living without them. These are most of the things that i love.
My favorite things to do.
My name is richard perez and I am currently enrolled in Benjamin Banneker Academy for Community Development . My favorite sport is baseball because it has its ups and downs. This is one of the many thing that I like to do. I am an athletic person and never got hurt during a game. I love playing with my friends when I come home from school . Also I like to play Basketball even though I am not that good, but I always try my best. I am always trying to do my best because if I don't do my best then I don't do anything at all. I like to play sports inorder to release emotions and balance out my physical standards. It is important to comply with the rules and regulations of the sport to avoid altercations and suspensions due to physical aggression and lack of communication on the play. It may be hard to live in the moment and a team player at the same time. I love sports. I love being competitive and most of all i love winning. I hate loosing especially in baseball. I made alot of friends while playing sports.I am going to continue to play sports in my life.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Amazing Obama wins it all!

Amazing Obama wins the nobel prize. He won for his outstandind leadership and amazing attitude. According to, The Nobel Prize Committee could have waited. He's got another three years to actually prove he's a peace maker. Obama could have given it back. Since he didn't, he should look at that award every morning as a focal point for peace, as incentive to change the world. The thing fasining about the Nobel Prizes is this story:Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, left his fortune to create the awards. The story goes that when his brother died in 1888, a French paper mistakenly printed an obituary on Alfred. It called him the merchant of death and noted that he became rich by finding ways to kill more people more effectively. It troubled Alfred so much, he left a new legacy: the awards.It makes you wonder what impact reading your own premature obituary would have on your life. What would you change?"Maybe this premature award will help Obama shape his legacy in a way that benefits us all,".It makes you wonder what impact reading your own premature obituary would have on your life. I agree and disagree with the following . I agree because i think obama does deserve an award but at the same time the nobel peace makers could have wated a while till his first year. I also agree that maybe this award will mold him to be that nobel peace prize winner figure. I believe that obama will be motivated by that award. "He has howed us that knowledge is power." Log on to to find other presidents who have won the Nobel Peace prize.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I love to swim. I use to swim lap after lap after lap. I swim at padergat. I took lessons when i was about 4 and up to i was 11. Swimming is another passion of mine. Swimming has such a huge impact on me that my parents got a huge pool in my backyard. Durring the nsummer that is all i did i cant stop. I may not be a cheetah but i sure am a shark.
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