Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Weekend post wacky web tales
Our Class Project
This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a(n) cat that we are taking care of. It is very nice and it has red eyes. It lives in a(n) house in the back of our classroom. We feed it tacos and flower every day, but I think it really wants to eat my computer. Everyone likes our cat.
One day, the cat got out of its cage and started running all around the room. It made a loud boom. I think it was trying to say, “bam!”
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Weekend Post: Poetry

Poetry is so beautiful. It's almost like a song withought music in the backround. It can make you smaile make you cry or make you life. My faorite poet is Maya Angelou because she uses very discriptive language to get her point accross. My favorite poem she created was still i rise. In this poem she talks about how whites tret blacks and how that no matter what whites do blacks will rise. Another favorite of mine is recovery for he same reason of still i rise. Below there is a narration of the poem recovery by maya angelou.
All About Me
This is a poem all about me,
As you can see i like poetry.
I like books and i like TV,
This is my poem all about me!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
1920's Podcast
Langston Hughes: Bottom Left Langston Hughes Poems
Ella Fitzgerald: Bottom Right Ella Fitzgerald Songs
Monday, April 19, 2010
Weekend post Wacky web tales
All a Dream
I fell asleep yesterday listening to an old album that my mom had. I really enjoyed it, though I had a weird dream. It was kind of like one of the old songs.
I've been workin' in school,
All the pretty day.
I've been workin' in school,
Just to pass the time away.
Don't you hear the whistle running?
Rise up so early in the morn.
Don't you hear lil wayne shouting
“mike, hit your horn? ”
mike, won't you hit,
mike, won't you hit,
mike, won't you hit your horn?
mike, won't you hit,
mike, won't you hit,
mike, won't you hit your horn?
Someone's in the bathroom with mike.
Someone's in the bathroom, I know.
Someone's in the bathroom with mike
Strumming on the old piano.
It was the weirdest dream I've had in a long time!
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Weekend post : Mythology :Greek: athena

Bright-eyed Athena, who has been called the mind of god, is the goddess of prudent intelligence, her share of wisdom having been given to her by Zeus. She is able to bestow command, skill and courage, and also victory in war for those who revere justice and listen to her persuasive tongue, or destruction for the unjust. For these reasons it has always been desirable to count upon her favor when war is at hand, for Athena, it is said, would never put up with defeat. And yet she checks the insolence of those whose spirit is violent and unjust.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
For Further information visit the two linked sites below for both fox news (1st) and pittsburgh news(2nd).
Police Shock Pa. High School Student With Taser After Fight
Monessen School Officials Meet Over Brawl
Friday, February 26, 2010
WeekendPost: Education

Students don't realize how important education really is. Without education there would be no college and no one would be successful. I personally don't like school but i know what i got to do to be successful in life and get scholarships for college. I try my absolute best in school all the time for good grades. I wish in the future to get into Ross university or Cornell college but i know i need to work really hard. I hate when i hear about students wanting to go to NYU and other colleges yet they get bad grades. So for everyone out there do good in school because school is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Weekend post: Womens issues

Many women's issues revolve around health. Such include Heart disease, Cancer, stroke, Injuries and flu. All of these health conditions effect and kill women all over the world. Flu is a deadly disease and kills many people every year. Ways to avoid it is by taking an annual flu shot. A major loss in women result from fatal car accidents. Ways to avoid wear your seat belt, beware of the speed limit , never drive sleepy or under the in fluence of alcohol. Stroke can't really be stopped because it sometimes occurs of age but to prevent you can stop smoking eat healthier, maintain a healthy weight and don't drink so much alcohol. Cancer is major especially breast cancer things like this cannot always be cured and sometimes can't be helped. Heart disease is also major to prevent don't smoke eat healthy foods atc. These are some of womens issues regarding health.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Weekend Post:Teen Issues

There are many teen issues that teens are faced with. Some include body image, sibling rivalry, divorce, teenage pregnancy, practicing safe sex, teen dating, schooling and jobs, drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, weight struggles and acne! A lot right. All these issues are effecting th lives of teens all around the world. Body image is how different teens should present themselves and how teens feel they should look in public. This as you can see is a big teen issue. All i see in society is men sagging their pants and women with tight clothing to show off clevage. Also as teens begin to grow rivalry between sibling grow because jealousy forms which is not good. Another reason why teens might go through stress is because of parents going through a divorce, teen feels like it's all their fault. Teen pregnancy is huge because so many teens do not practice safe sex. Ways to avoid it is to use protection and for women to use birth control but the best way is abstinence. Teen dating can also be stressful with rejections and breakups. School and jobs put so much pressure on teens because it doesn't give our teens any time to relax and chill with friends and family. Also as we get older temptations kick in and we start to take curriosity with drugs and alcohol which are extremely bad. So many teens are judged on their weight and acne. I especially am facing acne troubles but the key is to have confidence and avoid what others say. These are the various problems we face as teens. But its just a form of life we all must live with.
Weekend post: News and Media

This could be one awkward Academy Awards show.The Oscar
Monday, January 18, 2010
Martin Luther King Jr. "The Other America"

Just recently i heard the speech of The other america by Martin jr. It was really touching and totally true. There are 2 americas the beautiful america where there are millions of different people all different in their own way where goods and necesities are given to them. There is also another america where people are judged by raice which they can't help and they don't have the same equal rights. Martin talks about helping this america to make everyone have equal rights. Martin luther king jr was a wonderful man and he changed the lives of so many americans. In his famous i have a dream speech he said that he had a dream that blacks and whites would come hand in hand one day and i am proud to say that his dream came true. Happy Birthday Martin!!!!!!!